Good is
when you like it!
Soil, grape variety and winegrower, they should know each other, the 3.
Wine is everything and yet only wine. Wine should be commonplace and yet rare and of high quality.
To meet these extreme demands we need a wide spectrum.
Cellarmaster Hannes wants to promote simplicity as well as stimulate our delicate palate. From Welschriesling to Sauvignon blanc Hochsulz Reserve, so to speak.
The light vintage wines are said to be cheerful in their youth and may also mature for a few years. The Riedenweine should show great storage potential and yet taste pleasant in the first few years!
The Dreisiebner family has been pursuing a three-step viniculture system for years, which is very similar to the new system of origin Südsteiermark DAC.

Vinification is a precise craft. In order to be able to taste both the grape variety and the origin in our wines, special care and sensitivity are required.
Classic Line - Gebietswein (regional wine) Südsteiermark DAC
The wine style is characterised by fruitiness which is typical for this grape variety. The wines provide enormous drinking pleasure and are ideal to be enjoyed already in their youth. We use all main grape varieties and maturation takes place exclusively in stainless steel tanks.
Ried Hochsulz and Ried Zoppelberg - Riedenwein Südsteiermark DAC
Only the highest quality grapes from these premium vineyards are used for this vinification every year.
The aim is to create a type of wine that reflects the character of the location, without neglecting the special aroma of the grape variety.
Ried Hochsulz "Reserve"
The best of the Hochsulz is stored as a Reserve in small wooden barrels for 2 years.
A Reserve means the highest possible ripeness of the vintage, stunning locations and the characteristic taste of the grape variety , strength and body, finesse on the palate, a lingering finish and an optimum storage potential. Only crafted in top vintages.
Gebietswein Südsteiermark DAC
Der Weinstil ist geprägt von sortentypischer Frucht. Die Weine bieten einen enormen Trinkspaß und sind bereits in der Jugend ideal zu genießen. Wir verwenden alle Hauptsorten, der Ausbau erfolgt ausschließlich im Stahltank!
Riedenwein Südsteiermark DAC
Nur der optimale Teil der Lese aus diesen Lagen wird jedes Jahr für diesen Ausbau verwendet.
Das Ziel ist es hier einen Weintyp zu kreieren der den Charakter der Lage erkennen lässt, ohne dabei die spezielle Sortenaromatik zu vernachlässigen.
Das Beste vom Hochsulz wird als Reserve 2 Jahre in kleinen Holzfässern gelagert.
Reserve steht für höchstmögliche Reife des Jahrgangs, charismatische Lagen und Sortenprägung, Kraft und Fülle, Finesse am Gaumen, langen Nachhall und beste Lagerfähigkeit! Wird nur in den Spitzenjahrgängen ausgebaut.